Disability Planning

Disability Planning Attorney

Planning for a disability can come in different forms.  Some families are trying to help a loved one get qualified for government disability benefits; some want to set up their estate plan to provide for their loved one that has a disability; while others are wanting to protect themselves in the event that they become disabled. Contact a disability planning attorney from our firm today to get the help you need and deserve.

Disability Planning For A Loved One

Our law practice includes assisting families coordinate or review government disability benefits for their loved ones such as Social Security benefits. We can help during the application process, or when a loved one faces Social Security disability disqualification.

Social Security Disabilities Act governs the Social Security monetary benefits. The basic requirements to qualify for these benefits is that a person has become disabled and is now unable to work. Social Security has a specific evaluation process to determine a person’s eligibility for these benefits. Navigating this system can be daunting. Let us assist with the process.

Disability planning for a loved one can also come in the form of making sure that if their loved one is able that they have a solid estate plan in place. Such as a trust, will, powers of attorney for property; and advance directives. If your loved one cannot sign these documents a guardianship may need to be put in place.

It is also important to protect a loved one, who is receiving government benefits, when you are no longer around to do so. A thorough estate plan created for yourself will give you this peace of mind. Such a plan may need to include a supplemental needs trust for the benefit of your loved one.

Disability Planning For Yourself

A well drafted estate plan can give you peace of mind to know that if you become disabled you took the time to nominate who you want in charge of your financial matters and health care decisions. Always remember that if you don’t make these decisions, a court someday may have to decide who will handle your affairs.

Illinois Disability Planning Attorney: Protecting Your Future

Having an experienced attorney to create a well-established plan for the future can be the most significant choice you make for your family. You may not always be capable to care for yourself or your dependents. This is why it is crucial to appropriately prepare for this certainty. A disability planning attorney from our firm can help you draft a plan by gathering all the necessary documentation, arranging a plan that will work for you now and in the future.

Arbor Legacy Law are disability planning legal team serving Kendall County and Will County. Visit our Disability Planning team at our Plainfield, Illinois office

To develop a disability plan for yourself or to address the needs of a loved one, please email or call us at (815) 846-6001 today.